Monday, April 2, 2012

Otto's Parts

Last night I rediscovered a kit that I had started painting a couple weeks ago, and set aside to dry. Whoops. Painting the brick over the mortar reminded me that I really have yet to find a good way to do both brick and mortar. If I do one first, adding the other causes the first to "run", at least with acrylics. Even after two weeks of drying, I still ended up not with red bricks and gray mortar, but dark purple walls. I'm wondering if enamel paints would dry more thoroughly to avoid this. I just hate the idea of using solvents.

While waiting for the mess to dry so that I can do something else with it, I installed interior walls and floors.

Update: Took a chance and scrubbed the paint off. The "purple" brick color came off, exposing the gray mortar, but some of the mortar came off too. I reapplied straight-red to the brick using an extra-dry dry-brush and I think things came out much better this time.

I've printed some wallpapers for the interior. Now, if I can just find the glue....

Careful trimming and sanding of the roof and floor allow them to be held in place through pressure from the walls, while still being removable for further interior enhancements.

My current plan is to finish-up installing the window glass, now that major construction and painting is finished, then find some foam core to build some kind of shelving or displays for a small store in the finished area of the first floor. Maybe a bed and a couch for upstairs.

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