Tuesday, January 8, 2013


A New Year, and a new update on the State of the Railroad:

I've stopped selling buildings on eBay for a while. After my initial successes, the bottom has fallen-out of the market, and they're either not selling, or the prices consumers are willing to pay just doesn't justify the amount of time that goes into construction. There are also a number of new competitors, some of whom are better modelers, most of whom are worse, and a few that look like they mass-produce from an oversea factory. If you're offering the same built structure week after week for pennies on the dollar compared to my one of a kind kits, then something is up somewhere I can't compete with.

In any case, I'm still modeling with a focus on buildings, but have decided to populate my tiny layout with a more urban environment than I was originally planning upon, something reflecting Bangor or Lewiston.

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