Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Birthplace of MR

Bought a "birthplace of Model Railroader" kit on eBay (Period Miniatures). It's a solid block of cast resin/polyester, which I'd previously only had experience with in terms of small parts such as A/C units.

Review: I like the concept of not having to "build" the kit, as it eliminates some of the issues. Downside: no interior to install, but in a building this small (relatively), the painted black windows and lack of "glass" aren't as big an issue (as they might be with a 5 story DPM Mercantile kit, for instance). It took paint very well, and the details are quite good for a kit made from a single mold.

An idea came to me for kitbashing: what about taking two kits, and near one end of each cutting the  end off at a 45 degree angle, and splicing the larger pieces together to create a larger (and unique) L shaped structure? Perhaps that will be my next big project!

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