Thursday, January 26, 2012


Had a breadboard and multimeter for the last couple years, my plan was to take some "recycled" electronics such as buzzers and LCD's, and repurpose them into toys for Nora when she was still a baby. I had a cordless phone, for instance, that had died and been replaced, that I was thinking about adding some switches, buzzers, and lights to, for Nora to play with, since she was so  fascinated by our cellphones.

It never actually happened, too much "other" stuff going on (school), but I still have the equipment, and thought that I'd pull it out and see what I could do with LCD's as far as my model building went.

Here's my first real breadboard/LCD circuit.

The multimeter was acting funny, so I took the battery out and noticed the connectors were loose. I super-glued them into place, hopefully that helps. It was doing this "thing" where it would show all zeros on the screen, but apparently didn't have enough juice to actually "do" anything.

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